The Moments That Shaped Us: Senior Reflections at George Mason University School of Dance


Senior Class Highlights

The Class of 2025 from George Mason University School of Dance reflects on the moments that defined their journey.

George Mason University School of Dance Class of 2025


Sky Vitetta

It would be too difficult to choose one highlight from my time here in the sea of beautiful and difficult moments we have had the privilege to experience together.  Under the wise and passionate direction of the faculty, I have witnessed profound growth in  all of my peers, which is an impression that will stay with me always.  It has also been a surreal blessing to experience the raw energy that fills a room when we all dance together.  The emotional journeys of those in the room become tangible, the air seems to vibrate, and the joy of movement can be that of a dream.  To perform the work of my peers has been an extreme honor, and to watch my peers perform work I have created with them an even greater one.  The entire four years here has been a highlight of my life and imbued me with an immeasurable amount of gratitude, passion and love.  Learning from those I have spent these years with has been the ultimate gift.  Yay, Dance!

Jess Brown

One highlight from my time at Mason has been working with our Athletic Trainer Jenna Hansen-Honeycutt.  She has taught me so much about myself, about the body and about how to interact with the world.  It has been a privilege to have access to her insight.  She brings us so much more than exercises and information.  She is granting us knowledge, curiosity and the power to fully embrace ourselves.  This has been one of the most important aspects of my years at school.

Joey Schuman

I have a distinct memory of what transpired after my first semester improvisation final.  We had just performed these spontaneous, bombastic improvisational works, and the whole crew was charged with this electric energy of “we did it”.  It was our last final of the winter, and as we all stood out in the cold preparing to part ways for home, there was this giddy reluctance to leave each other.  I remember so clearly a bout of laughter subsiding, and one of my classmates saying, “ I have friends.  I really have friends”.  It was a quiet thought, slipping out almost accidentally, but it struck me.  And I felt the same.  I was part of something.  We were going to fight, cry, struggle, but we were going to hold each other and pull each other through.  It was almost spiritual, realizing your spot in the kind of bond, so surprising but so formative.  No matter what, those ties pulse and flow through all we do.  

Sidney Durand

A highlight from my time in the GMU School of Dance was when I did the promo photo shoot as a freshman.  It was a very welcoming experience for my first year at Mason.

A.J. David

A highlight in my time in the Mason School of Dance was the anatomy class taught by our incredible athletic trainer, Jena Hansen-Honeycutt.  The class was challenging (and at times frustrating) but transformed the way I approached my movement practice and sparked an interest in kinesiology.  This foundation of anatomical and somatic knowledge laid down in my freshman year is an integral component of the Mason School of Dance.  I could not be any  more grateful for the experience.

Brooke Katsafados

A highlight from my time at Mason was rehearsing and performing “Black and White” by Manuel Vignoulle.  I learned so much about myself during this process.

Courtney Green

Being part of faculty and student choreography in my senior year was a highlight, as was being able to feel the growth from the previous years.  Also, a highlight from my time at Mason includes being part of Karen Reedy’s work title “Path of Attraction”.  I felt an immense amount of growth throughout this process and performing it onstage was the most rewarding experience.

Eirwen Moshier

One highlight of my time here at Mason was in my 2nd year.  I got the privilege of working with Susan Shields on a duet for “Arts by George”.  I was the youngest dancer in the process and really felt like I had been trusted with a precious work full of emotion.  I was full of pride afterwards because I was able to dive fully into the work.  It was a small process that gave me space to show off my ability.  I felt connected to my partner, the work and Susan.  I still think about the duet and wish I could revisit it.  But, maybe it was just meant to be for a short time.  I felt seen in this process and wanted to hold it with as much care as possible.  I showed my care by keeping the meaning alive as we brought an old story back.

Sloan Daley

The first thing that came to mind when thinking about a highlight of my time here was the times I have been with my class.  These include multiple days in improvisation, lots of firsts and lasts together and moments that feel like family.  My favorite was our first full run through of our class piece sophomore year.  It was all of our first times working with the wonderful Christina Robson, and after so many tough moments that year, the piece united us so much.  I remember reading the lists Christina had taped on the walls of 301 the order of our piece, and it was absolute chaos and so rewarding to help each other get to the end.  Many long days together, but we knew how to lift each other up like no other.  I’m grateful for how we’ve been prompted to work so closely with one another.  Some of my happiest memories are those long, hard days.

Taylor Gati

My highlight was watching my piece “Error  Code 120” in front of an audience for the first time.  I was filled with immense pride and felt inspired to pursue a career in choreography as well as performance.

Elisa Dey

My highlight at Mason was seeing the first Dance Gala in my freshman year.  It was a moment of pride sitting in the Center for the Arts and watching this show.  At that moment, I realized that I was part of an outstanding program, and it excited me about the next three years.

Aiden Moriarty

A highlight during my time at George Mason School of Dance was being selected for the cast of The Hunt.  In my sophomore year of high school, Elisa Clark set a section of the work on a handful of dancers.  Being selected my senior year of college and performing the whole work feels very rewarding and full circle.

Katlyn Cerda

A highlight of my time here was seeing our community/family growing each year.  It has been a highlight welcoming the new students each year, which makes the GMU community even stronger.  Having our mentor and mentee program make the connections even stronger.  Having the ability to be in both roles is truly an amazing experience.

Gabriella Pate

My highlight from my time at the School of Dance is our student choreography auditions.  We just finished our last one yesterday.  There is truly nothing like the joy of dancing with each other.  Everyone is always so supportive, and it was a great time to get to dance with each other without limitations.

J. Antoine

My highlight at Mason School of Dance was being in Christina Jane Robson’s work during my sophomore year.  We started from scratch as a collective and just made movement.  Sound wasn’t selective, just a class of students ready to dance with open minds and hearts.  We learned how to partner, truly listen to the music, since it didn’t have any counts. And, we grew closer as a collective overall.

Kenidee Nevaen Wedlaw-Farmer

A highlight of my time at Mason was when I realized that the tools that my professors gave me were working, and I was growing from them.  When I really saw myself learning from their different teachings and devices, I realized my full potential.

Another highlight was just recently in our first Senior Synthesis class when we started talking about our strengths and skills as dancers and how we are prepared to do anything we wanted to do.  Linda Miller gave us this advice, and it was such a reassuring confirmation of what the future holds for me.